The frame is back and on jack stands. (The color balance and shop lighting make it look lighter than it really is)

The dingy epoxy has been replaced with an easy-to-clean powder coated surface.

Here's an example of a significant safety issue with the DeLorean: the trailing arm bolts. These bolts connect the trailing arms to the frame and endure quite a bit of stress. A failure at speed would be catastrophic and potentially deadly. Here you can see the factory bolts are bent at 23k miles! If your DeLorean still has factory bolts installed, imagine what yours look like. These bolts will get replaced with "Toby TABs," which are made of Inconel, a super alloy used to, amongst other things, attach engines to airplanes. Needless to say, they won't be bending (or rusting) ever again.

The shift linkage is in, along with other small bits. Things like motor mounts will be replaced without question.

The tank was thoroughly cleaned, which removed significant varnish and contaminants.

Fasteners will be replaced as appropriate too.

All bushings will be replaced, like these trailing arm bushings. Also the old brake hoses were trashed and replaced with these stainless steel-braided hoses.

#3281 isn't the only body-off restoration going on... the competition in the next bay is a 1962 Land Rover 88" Station Wagon.

Everything gets thoroughly cleaned and repaired as needed before reassembly.

Here are the new Eibach springs and DMC shocks, which will function leagues better than the 30-year-old stock components.

Calipers installed and ready for fluid.

Now we're ready for an engine!

And here's the engine being lifted off of the stand. A new clutch will be installed, then the transmission will be bolted-up.

Now it's ready to be dropped back into the frame...

... just like this.

The crossover pipe is attached and cooling hoses are on their way in.

More cooling system assembly.

The heater hoses are hard to reach, so they'll get replaced with silicone hoses for plenty of worry-free years (and miles).

The header bottle is attached and the cooling system is fully pressurized to check for any possible leaks before the intake is installed.

And here's the finished product - rolled outside for cleanup. The next step is top lower the body back down onto the frame.

Placing the chassis on dollies help to get everything aligned.

And once all of the bolts are back in and torqued down, we can once again lift the car (with the frame!) back up into the air.

Next the electrics are reconnected and the key is turned-on. It's alive (again)!

And now the car can be started and once again moves under its own power.