Defender 90

The Land Rover Defender is a direct descendent of the original Land Rover ("Series 1") introduced in 1948. And it shows. The "D90" is spartan, loud, drafty, and boldly flaunts spot-welds as an integral part of its styling. But, it's tough, simple, and can go anywhere. When something breaks, it can be mended. If something more severe happens, it can be rebuilt. And its modular construction is perfect if you wake up one day and decide to make it into something entirely different.
While plentiful everywhere except for the United States, Land Rover imported just over 6500 of "NAS" Defender 90s.
Range Rover Classic

Land Rover introduced the Range Rover in 1970 and kept making it, with essentially-unchanged styling, for twenty-five years. When the second-generation (P38) came out in 1995, they continued to offer the original version and called it the "Range Rover Classic."
The 1995 model is the pinnacle of the Range Rover Classic lineup. Sharing many components with the Discovery, it's a bit different from the previous models and has a completely different (and far superior) dashboard layout. But sales were poor compared to the P38 and Land Rover cancelled the Classic that same year.