Replacing a Melted Fuse Box

Ground Wire Overhaul

For some reason, Lotus (I guess) decided to daisy chain all of the ground wires for each bank of the relays. That means the outboard relay's ground has to go through all of the other relays as it moves inboard to the harness. I guess wire was more expensive than more terminals (and labor)? An alternative is to run an individual ground wire from each relay back to the main harness connection point. You'll need a splice connector for this (see the parts list), but it's easy enough.

A melted DeLorean fuse box

The original daisy-chained ground wire. There is one of these for each bank of relays.

A melted DeLorean fuse box

The replacement: individual ground wires for each relay.

Eliminating the odd-ball Lambda relay

The DeLorean has a bunch of standard Lucas relays and one odd-ball Bosch relay: the Lambda system relay. But, you can switch one wire and use a standard relay, which will also run cooler. More discussion can be found here, but simply remove the center (red/purple wire) from the socket and attach it along with the green/yellow wire to the pin above the center. Then throw the old relay away and use a standard one.

The Finished Product

As mentioned earlier, there's really not much to take photos of other than removing wires, removing the old terminals, crimping new ones on, and reinstalling the wires. And it was quite a sweaty task, but here's what it looks like in the end. My version, at least. I added some sheath to the wire looms below to hide them. And I replaced the circuit breaker wire terminals and housings too. Note the missing door lock module... that's for another project!

A cleaned-up DeLorean relay compartment

Much better!