Transmission Wrap-up / Engine install prep work
Since the last update, the transmission innards were reassembled, the halves were sealed with anaerobic sealant, and the bolts were installed and torqued to spec. Now it's time to finish it up!
And after the transmission is done, the engine will be prepared for a new clutch.

"Special tool" used to provide support while torqing the end nuts.

The "rear" plate (really the front) gasket must be trimmed before installation.

To further bullet-proof the transmission, I went ahead and installed stainless sleeves on the axle flanges. Here is one being pressed into place. It's also been painted with POR-15 to further reduce rust.

The finished job.

And with the flange installed on the transmission.

New slave cylinder and fork boot.

The finished transmission, ready to be bolted to the engine.

Almost ready for the engine to go back in.

Finally taking the engine off of the stand!

I made a little stand to hold the engine - I'll install a new rear main seal and clutch, then bolt the transmission up while it's on the floor.