The Frame Arrives
I picked up the frame today and towed it back to the garage. Better late than never, I suppose. It looks pretty good! The old epoxy was burnt-off to maximize removal and then the metal was powdercoated in a light gray finish (it looks a bit lighter in these photos than it really is - due to the flash and lighting). The trailing arms and fuel tank plate were given the same treatment. Next up I'll be addressing the insides of the frame and trailing arms where the powder couldn't reach and coating those with a rust inhibitor. More on that later - I need to clean out the remaining burnt epoxy first! It's still a long journey to the finish line, but having all of the pieces back under one roof (or two) is certainly a morale booster.
Pardon the mess - the garage has swelled due to the arrival of a few new Land Rovers and many boxes of parts for them. And with an equal number of DeLorean parts and boxes cluttering up the place, there's no way to really get organized! The heat is on to get this DeLorean rolling again!

Powdercoated frame - front view.

Back view.

Closeup on the shock tower. The frame now has a nice glossy finish.

Front view, close up. Where the fuel tank goes.