Motor Time
Since we've jumped ahead a bit, to catch up on the frame: the small gash in the frame extension was successfully welded back together (thanks, Kelly!) and the frame is currently with the powder-coater where it will be bead blasted, sent through the oven to melt off more epoxy in the internal cavities, then powder coated in a light gray finish). In the meantime, I have plenty of things to keep me busy. We'll be jumping between categories over the next few postings as I work on the engine, brakes, transmission, and other systems that need to go onto the rolling chassis.
First up is the engine:

For reference: this is how the engine looked before starting disassembly.

All fuel hoses have been removed, as well as the fuel distributor, air meter, and intake manifold. Cut-off ignition wires make nice covers for the empty spark plug silos - just one more safety mechanism for preventing anything from falling down in there (which would be really bad).

Another shot of the underside of the intake manifold. Note nasty hoses on the back of the water pump...

The alternator and starter are gone, as well as the exhaust manifold. A little heat with a torch and the exhaust nuts came right off.

Now the water pump is gone, as well as the remaining plumbing. Now it's time to start the painstaking process of cleaning to prepare the valley for a coat of POR-15. Let the fun begin...