2010 is here. The target finish time is June 1, 2010 (which gives a few weeks to stamp out the gremlins before DCS in Lexington, KY). That's an ambitious goal, so it's time to get cracking!
I can see the light at the end of the "Phase 3" tunnel. My body panels are back from DeLorean Motor Company in Houston where they were repaired. Just a few more trim details remain before all of the body panels will finally be removed from storage and bolted back onto the car...
Getting ready to reinstall the torsion bars and struts...
...installed! The doors close very smoothly now, thanks to the roof structure repair.
Left fender: repaired and back on the car. The rub strips throughout the car are in poor condition (or missing altogether); all will be replaced a bit further down the road.
All visible fiberglass has been stripped, cleaned, and re-sprayed. (Wow, that seat is a real eyesore!)