...Still making progress

I picked up some spares for my busted alternator, repaired it, and put it all back together. Now I have an entire spare alternator in case this ever happens again (not a bad thing to have on the shelf).

Also, in preparation for making this car drivable, the clutch and brake fluid reservoirs were removed, thoroughly cleaned (they were filthy) and replaced. The stainless steel-braided clutch line was attached, then the brake and clutch hydraulics were filled with fresh fluid and thoroughly bled. Finally, the track rod was adjusted (by sight) to give the car at least a modicum of front alignment - at the very least, it'll be easier to roll back onto the lift each time after I roll it outside!

With a new rear bearing and new brushes, this alternator is once again ready for service!

Brake reservoir, cleaner than ever.

I junked the old reservoir tube - it had a bit of dry rot. Note that shiney new clutch master cylinder. Always exciting.